Selected publications

Selected Publications

Find Bart Ghesquières publications on Pubmed


Pyruvate and uridine rescue the metabolic profile of OXPHOS dysfunction - Adant, I., Bird, M., Decru, B., Windmolders, P., Wallays, M., de Witte, P., Rymen, D., Witters, P., Vermersch, P., Cassiman, D., Ghesquière, B - 2022 - Molecular Metabolism - PubMed

TraVis Pies: A Guide for Stable Isotope Metabolomics Interpretation Using an Intuitive Visualization - De Craemer, S., Driesen, K., Ghesquière, B - 2022 - Metabolites - Publication


Reprogramming of glucocorticoid receptor function by hypoxia - Vanderhaeghen, T., Timmermans, S., Watts, D., Paakinaho, V., Eggermont, M., Vandewalle, J., Wallaeys, C., Van Wyngene, L., Van Looveren, K., Nuyttens, L., Dewaele, S., Vanden Berghe, J., Lemeire, K., De Backer, J., Dikx, L., Vanden Berghe, W., Caljon, G., Ghesquière, B., De Bosscher, K., Wielockx, B., Palvimo, J.J., Beyaert, R., Libert, C. - 2021 - Embo Rep - PubMed



Macrophage-derived glutamine boosts satellite cells and muscle regeneration. - Shang M, Cappellesso F, Amorim R, Serneels J, Virga F, Eelen G, Carobbio S, Rincon MY, Maechler P, De Bock K, Ho PC, Sandri M, Ghesquière B, Carmeliet P, Di Matteo M, Berardi E, and Mazzone M - 2020 - Nature - PubMed


Oxygraphy Versus Enzymology for the Biochemical Diagnosis of Primary Mitochondrial Disease. - Bird, M.J., Adant, I., Windmolders, P., Vander Elst, I., Felguira, C., Altassan, R., Gruenert, S.C., Ghesquière, B., Witters, P., Cassiman, D., Vermeersch, P. - 2019 - Metabolites - Pubmed

The metabolic map into the pathomechanism and treatment of PGM1-CDG - Radenkovic S., Bird M., Emmerzaal TL., Sunnie YW., Felgueira C., Stiers KM., Leila S., Himmelreich N., Poschet G., Windmolders P., Verheijen J., Witters P., Altassan R., Honzik T., Eminoglu TF., James PM., Edmondson AC., Hertecant J., Tamas K., Thiel C., Vermeersch P., Cassiman D., Beamer L., Morava E., Ghesquière B. - 2019 - American Journal of Human Genetics - Pubmed

HIF-1 alpha metabolically controls collagen synthesis and modification in chondrocytes - Stegen S., Laperre K., Eelen G., Rinaldi G., Fraisl P., Torrekens S., Van Looveren R., Loopmans S., Bultynck G., Vinckier S., Meersman F., Maxwell PH., Rai J., Weis M., Eyre DR., Ghesquiere B., Fendt S-M., Carmeliet P., Carmeliet G - 2019 - Nature - Pubmed


Codon-specific translation reprogramming promotes resistance to targeted therapy - Rapino F., Delaunay S., Rambow F., Zhou Z., Tharun L., De Tullio P., Sin O., Shostak K., Schmitz S., Piepers J., Ghesquiere B., Karim L., Charloteaux B., Jamart D., Florin A., Lambert C., Rorive A., Jerusalem G., Leucci E., Dewaele M., Vooijs M., Leidel SA., Georges M., Voz M., Peers B., Buttner R., Marine JC., Chariot A., Close P. - 2018 - Nature - Pubmed


MAIMS: a software tool for sensitive metabolic tracer analysis through the deconvolution of C-13 mass isotopologue profiles of large composite metabolites - Verdegem D., Moseley HN B., Vermaelen W., Sanchez AA., Ghesquière B - 2017 - Metabolomics - Web of Science

Critical Assessment of Small Molecule Identification 2016: automated methods - Schymanski EL., Ruttkies C., Krauss M., Brouard C., Kind T., Duehrkop K., Allen F., Vaniya A., Verdegem D., Boecker S., Rousu J., Shen H., Tsugawa H., Sajed T., Fiehn O., Ghesquière B., Neumann S. - 2017 - Journal of Cheminformatics - Pubmed